Cyboard School


One the most important assets of a human being is the pursuit of Excellence. In simple words, Excellence is the art of striving to do more and to practice greatness by giving your best at everything you do, even if that means making errors along the way and failing multiple times.
Cyboard School Student solving a puzzle

At first glance this might seem impossible for a child to achieve, but a child doesn’t understand failure or comprehend failure the way adults do. For a child, not being able to achieve the result means trying to put things together again, in fact it is more like a puzzle. For example, when a child is building a toy car, switching the parts to get the right fit is all a plan for trying to reach the final shape. A wrong part fitted doesn’t discourage or defeat his or her purpose of building the car.

This is exactly the opportunity that an instructor / teacher tries to seek. Having found that, the instructor / teacher motivates the child by encouraging and applauding the child’s effort. This leads to building the child’s confidence to keep trying till the goal is achieved. Hence excellence at Cyboard School is taught in a highly lucid, comprehensive and inspiring way to children through our various interactive methods.

Excellence is seldom inborn. Excellence is developed. Excellence is one the greatest qualities of a human being. It is born out of motivation. When one is motivated enough to pursue a particular task or job; the ability to keep on the task to make it better and the best version of itself leads to developing the habit – pursuit of excellence.

Excellence helps develop intelligence and therefore is the secret ingredient of the intelligence quotient (IQ) in a child. Intelligence is the wonderful knack to comprehend, analyse, take account of and implement solutions to events, situations and happenings. It is the uncanny ability to be alert and decisive in ways that resolve problems and enhance outcomes. Be it life or profession, IQ plays a huge role in helping identify the ability and capacity of every human being.

At Cyboard School, we work hard to inspire students to do the best. Children are first encouraged to make up their mind to give their best. This then leads them to performing to the best of their ability. This habit when seeded in a human at a young age develops into a kind of muscle memory and becomes the way of life. The habit of trying to be the best version of one’s self at everything when introduced to a child through fun and learning while doing works wonders when it comes to that child’s personality development, who then grows up to be someone who always displays performance in everything he or she does.

Since Excellence is a ‘WAY’, at Cyboard School, our LMS has been strategically designed and structured in a format that helps a child follow a system of working, logic, reasoning and of course implementation. It helps a child organize oneself, consolidate assignments, attempt quizzes and games, follow a pattern of conduct and above all, to have a disciplined approach to attending a class. It teaches conduct, behaviour and also appreciation. These are the founding pillars of Excellence.

At Cyboard School, we incorporate experiential learning and a host of activities in the class that help children develop this keen sense to do everything to the best of their ability in order to become individuals who display Excellence.