Cyboard School

IAO - 2021-03-1930

Vijayshree Kalani

Head of Admissions
Vijayshree Kalani (Chief Revenue Officer of Cyboard School)

Meet Vijayshree Kalani

A business leader with over 18 years of experience in customer-facing vertices including Customer Service, Sales, Support and Collections. She has over 8 years of experience in Team Management, Quality Management, and Training. Her 3 years of entrepreneurial experience have played a crucial role in heading the Sales at Cyboard School. She is a six sigma and lean certified professional and also is an internationally certified business trainer. She has catered to multicultural global teams with people from over 80 nationalities. She is incredible as a business leader, exceptionally talented in fostering partnerships and brilliant at relationship building.

Awards/ Achievement

Leadership Talks

"Cyboard School

Message to Parents

Education is essential in our lives, but is it sufficient on its own? I firmly believe that quality education is the right of every child in the world. We at Cyboard School are working hard trying to achieve this ambitious goal. With the use of technology, we are improving the quality of education by applying artificial intelligence and are stepping up our game in the education system.

Now every child will receive top-notch schooling delivered at their homes thanks to our in-house curated learning management system. We have also established EDGE Philosophy- Excellence, Diversity, Growth, and Empathy as our schooling culture, where we are able to foster the most meaningful values not just in our students but in our teachers as well. In order to provide the world’s best education, we handpicked India’s best teachers to deliver quality schooling to all your homes. Besides this, we are bringing joy into every child’s life, providing them with a stress-free way of enjoying schooling. And do you know how we go about doing that? We have these incredible picnics where kids get to hang out with students of other ages in addition to their grades, so they acquire social skills in the truest sense. We make it fun learning for your child.

Being a parent myself and having two beautiful children at times, I wonder what my children learned throughout their time in school; what happened once they stepped inside the gate? I am most likely aware through parent-teacher meetings, which are two or four times a year, or their school results. But at Cyboard, we support our parents by giving them an opportunity to monitor their children’s progress so they can be aware of what’s going on in the classroom, where their child needs assistance, and how we, as a school, are assisting their child to be the best versions of themselves. This is accomplished through our parent portal, which is integrated with our learning management system.

With the help of AI tracking and AI monitoring, we empower our teachers to make informed and data-driven decisions. Through life monitoring, real-time tracking, facial recognition, body language recognition, and analysis of how the child reacts in class. Our AI helps us identify learning gaps in a child, a very sophisticated process that we have implemented. That helps us identify the learning gaps for children and then run remedial and parallel classes where the child can understand where they need more assistance.

We also do that for our language classes. How often have we wondered if my child is losing touch with our local language while studying in English? At Cyboard, we run parallel classes to help children learn diverse languages. We run language labs for children as well. This is what technology helps us achieve to provide that world-class quality education to your child. Everything I said is what School 4.0 is all about, and this is how we at Cyboard are breaking all boundaries