School Philosophy
Excellence, Diversity, Growth and Empathy are the four pillars of our EDGE Philosophy. Cyboard aims to instil these core values in students by utilising the best teachers, quality curriculum and cutting-edge technology to help them grow holistically

Empowering Children With Assets To Lead A Happy Life!
Childhood is like a blank piece of paper. Anything written on it becomes a memory for life, a reference point. It evolves into a system of functioning that children implement naturally in every situation. At Cyboard School, we excel in helping children develop the right attitude to become contributing citizens of the world. We call this PSY-Q.
In other words, PSY-Q is the right mix of Intelligence (IQ), Emotions (EQ) and Social Quotient (SQ) that results in developing their Growth (GQ). A child with such keen senses becomes confident and knows how to respond, reciprocate and reach out to the world around. This therefore helps in seeding a positive attitude towards life in every child. A child hence eventually grows into a happy human.
At Cyboard School, we help children develop PSY-Q through:
Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
The intellect to comprehend tasks, goals and ambitions with focus in both personal and professional life for achieving excellence in all they wish to do.
Social Quotient (SQ)
The ability to respond towards people, environment, cultures and the creation with a welcoming heart that recognizes diversity in the world.
Growth Quotient (GQ)
The ability to implement the true essence of living life with positivity, enthusiasm, partaking and hope to achieve growth in every pursuit.
Emotional Quotient (EQ)
The inward balance to feel situations and therefore becoming compassionate towards one and all by showing empathy.
The future of the world will absolutely resonate with the character of those who take the lead. Every organization, every institution, every company around the world; big or small, is lead by a leader and the lives of the people in that company get impacted by the character, behaviour, decisions and resolves the leader takes. This is what brings us back to the drawing board – CHILDHOOD. Only multi-dimensional personality development promises the world with great leaders of tomorrow – YOUR CHILD!
At Cyboard School, we help children evolve into leaders. We do this with PSY-Q!