Cyboard School

IAO - 2021-03-1930

Pre-Primary: Little steps into the future

Awarded as the best online preschool, we wholeheartedly adopt a dynamic pedagogical approach, specifically tailored to cater to the diverse learning styles of kinaesthetic, visual, and auditory learners.

Pre-Primary Classes

Vector-Cyboard School (Online School)

Cyboard School’s Online preschool program

Early learning and preschool programs play a pivotal role in laying the foundation for a child’s lifelong journey of education and development. These formative years are crucial for nurturing cognitive, social, and emotional skills, providing a solid base upon which future learning can flourish. Engaging in quality early learning experiences not only sparks curiosity and fosters a love for learning but also cultivates essential life skills such as communication, collaboration, and problem-solving.

Nursery Curriculum: Exploration and Play-Based Learning

Our innovative online preschool program

The formative years of childhood, typically encompassing the early stages of life constitute a critical period of unparalleled significance. These foundational years serve as the bedrock for a child's overall development, shaping the essence of their character, cognitive abilities, and social aptitude. During this formative phase, a child's brain undergoes remarkable growth and neural connections, making it a time of heightened sensitivity and receptivity to learning experiences. With that in mind, in Cyboard School’s Nursery grade, our focus is on active learning through exploration and play. Tactile engagement takes centre stage with inventive activities. In our pre-school program online Virtual tours, featuring theme-based educational content, serve as a dynamic supplement to traditional learning methods, providing a multi-sensory experience that enhances comprehension and retention specifically in Nursery.

What Makes us India’s BEST Online Pre-school

Language and Literacy Development

To foster language and literacy skills, we introduce phonic awareness through captivating activities such as Virtual Rhyming Scavenger Hunts, creating an interactive and enjoyable environment for language development.

Math and Science Exploration

Foundational concepts of numbers, shapes, and patterns are introduced through playful activities, extending into the natural world with hands-on experiments. This approach nurtures curiosity and sharpens observation skills.

Social and Emotional Development:

Social and emotional growth is nurtured through play, promoting self-awareness, sharing, and cooperation. Simple classroom rules and routines establish the groundwork for a supportive learning environment, while one-on-one interactions with teachers cater to individual learning needs.

Fine and Gross Motor Skills

The development of coordination and balance is facilitated through age-appropriate activities, incorporating creative movement and dance to ensure a holistic approach to physical development. Celebrations provide opportunities for planned dance activities, fostering joy and physical expression.

Creative Arts and Music

Creativity and self-expression are encouraged through visual arts, music, and storytelling sessions. Various forms of storytelling, including puppetry and animated adventures, captivate children's imaginations and enhance their communication skills.

Health and Wellness

Instilling the importance of healthy habits, personal hygiene, and safety from an early age, our curriculum includes guest lectures and activities to underscore the significance of wellness, hygiene, and health.

Futuristic preschool program Online

At Cyboard School, we wholeheartedly acknowledge the paramount importance of the formative years in a child’s journey of growth and learning. Our best online preschool program for Kindergarten is meticulously designed to cater to the unique needs of these foundational years. Our innovative online preschool programs for Kindergarten aim to create a nurturing environment where cognitive, social, and emotional development are seamlessly interwoven. The formative years represent a crucial window of opportunity, and at Cyboard School, we are committed to providing engaging experiences that foster a love for learning, instil essential life skills, and lay a solid foundation for academic success.

Kindergarten Curriculum: Strong Foundations & Holistic Growth

Experential online preschool program

In our Kindergarten (KG) curriculum, we strategically build upon the rich tapestry of prior learning experiences, seamlessly weaving new knowledge into the very foundations of each child's educational journey. At the heart of our approach is a deep appreciation for diversity, as we actively acknowledge and incorporate various cultural backgrounds and home languages. This intentional integration not only enriches the learning experience but also fosters an inclusive environment where each child feels seen and valued. By embracing and celebrating diversity, our KG curriculum goes beyond conventional education, creating a dynamic and culturally responsive space that prepares students for a globalized world.

HIGHLIGHTS of our Preschool Programs Online for KG

Language and Literacy Skills

KG students further develop on their acquired phonics and vocabulary skills through shared reading and interactive writing. Storytelling and creative writing are actively encouraged, nurturing advanced language proficiency.


Advanced math concepts are introduced through engaging activities, and science exploration children dive into more sophisticated topics through hands-on experiments. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are seamlessly integrated into the curriculum.

Social and Emotional Growth

KG focuses on strengthening self-regulation, self-esteem, and advanced social skills. Empathy, cooperation, and conflict resolution become focal points, preparing students for a socially adept future.

Refinement of Motor Skills

Coordination, balance, and agility are honed through varied activities, including structured yoga sessions and eye exercises. The Online preschool programs are carefully curated to enhance motor skills through play-way methods

Advanced Creative Arts and Music

Creativity is taken to the next level with diverse art projects, deepening the understanding of music and rhythm. Drama and storytelling activities become more intricate, encouraging a heightened level of imagination.

Comprehensive Health Education

KG students deepen their understanding of nutrition, healthy eating habits, personal hygiene, safety, and injury prevention. Discussions on physical and mental well-being are tailored to their developmental stage.

Flexible and Individualized Learning

Recognizing and respecting the unique learning styles of each child, KG education provides choice boards and supports individualized projects based on interests. The learning environment remains flexible, promoting a tailored educational experience.


Green grass ,Flowers and butterfly-Cyboard School