Cyboard School

IAO - 2021-03-1930
The Metamorphosis of Stem-Steam-Stream-Cyboard School (Blog)

The Metamorphosis of Stem-Steam-Stream

STREAM Education: Preparing Future Leaders for an Ever-Evolving Workforce

In order to prepare our future leaders for the complex challenges of today and tomorrow, as well as meet the demands of a dynamic and ever-evolving workforce, we need to equip them with a strong foundation in STREAM education. 

STREAM stands for Science, Technology, Robotics, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics, and it is an educational initiative developed by the National Science Foundation to nurture students’ logical and critical thinking skills from an employability standpoint.

As the pace of innovation continues to accelerate globally, it is more important than ever that students are prepared to bring knowledge and skills to problem-solving and make sense of available information. 

STEM education has long been viewed as an integral part of this approach, with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics serving as key resources for learning intentions. These disciplines are considered relevant, significant, and interrelated, but they are not interdisciplinary; they focus specifically on “facts & problems”.

However, the limitations of STEM were discussed at the American Arts National Policy Roundtable, which led to the birth of STEAM with Art Integration. This field of study includes the representation of emotionally developing the human mind to evoke evolution, which means moving from existing knowledge to create new knowledge. The introduction of Art was a paradigm shift, as it led to the use of creative imagination in problem-solving.

STEAM education helps in applying Project-Based Learning (PBL). It creates an inclusive learning environment and enhances the participation of students with different talents. It encourages collaborative and reflective approaches, and it trains students in evidence-based reasoning.

With the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the education supplement sees STREAM as the new solution. It brings Science, Technology, Robotics, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics together. AI, VR, and AR (Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality) are growing fields that are invading human life, from medical science to automobiles to space exploration.

By focusing on STREAM education, students are expected to create, design, invent and solve tomorrow’s problems. The role of schools and teachers is bound to change. Teachers need to create platforms for self-discovery where students can make mistakes, use different tools for problem-solving, and find multiple solutions to the same problem.

STREAM, if properly harnessed, can rewire the teaching-learning approach. It can be a learning tool to accommodate experiential learning through hands-on and minds-on experiences in an engaging environment. Therefore, we need to build capacity in our educators. Teachers must be prepared to study their students’ learning behavior and assessment. Learning assessment should be measured in both process and product of learning.

Learners experience the work of designing, constructing, coding, and documenting automated robots. They can apply this learning outside the classroom too. ELSA (Early Learning STEM Australia) is using studies for preschoolers as well.

In the real world, jobs are interdisciplinary, so it is essential to educate students on how different subjects integrate and work together. STREAM education embraces the 4Cs identified as 21st-century skills: creation, collaboration, critical thinking, and communication.

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Dr. Madhuri Parti(Strategic Advisor of Cyboard School)

About the Author

Dr.  Madhuri N Parti is an educational visionary with 30+ years of experience leading schools. As Head of Strategy and Planning at Cyboard School, she emphasizes social responsibility and innovative teaching techniques to enhance student learning.

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