Cyboard School

IAO - 2021-03-1930

3 Proven Ways Virtual School Boosts Student Engagement-Cyboard School(Blog)

3 Proven Ways Virtual School Boosts Student Engagement

In recent years, digital technology and virtual schools have transformed the education landscape. With traditional classroom methods no longer as effective, creating an environment that engages and inspires students is more important than ever. Cyboard School recognizes this challenge and is committed to providing a virtual school experience that engages students and helps them succeed.

So, how do we engage students in the classroom? To answer this question, it’s necessary to understand the three critical elements of student engagement: the content, the teacher, and the pedagogy:

The Content:

One of the critical components of student engagement is content. With a vast array of information readily available, it’s essential for students to learn how to validate and use this information effectively. At Cyboard School, students have access to a wide range of relevant topics and multimedia and interactive resources, giving them the right tools they need to succeed.

A study published in the Journal of Interactive Online Learning found that “virtual schools that use customized content and instruction can enhance student learning and engagement” (Parrish, 2012) . The study suggests that virtual schools can provide customized content and instruction that meets the unique needs of individual students. This can lead to increased engagement and motivation among students.

The Teacher:

Besides content, teachers play a crucial role in student engagement. The role of teachers has evolved, and it’s now more important than ever for them to be trained in guiding students through the abundance of information available. At Cyboard School, our experienced educators are trained to provide personalised learning and help students navigate and synthesize new information, empowering them to succeed in a constantly changing and uncertain world.

A study published in the Journal of Interactive Learning Research found that “students who received personalized feedback reported feeling more connected to the teacher, were more motivated to learn, and demonstrated higher levels of academic achievement than those who did not(Cho & Heron, 2015, p. 183). The study suggests that when teachers provide personalized feedback to students in virtual learning environments, students are more engaged in the learning process.

The Pedagogy:

Pedagogy is crucial in introducing students to the learning process. Teachers need to embrace new teaching methods that help students engage with the content in a meaningful way. Cyboard School offers various pedagogical approaches, including gamification, self-paced learning, project-based learning, interactive learning, and personalized learning designed to help students succeed. These strategies help students engage with the material in a meaningful way and inspire them to learn.

A study published in the International Journal of Educational Research found that “students who experienced project-based learning and collaborative learning reported higher levels of engagement and satisfaction with their learning experience(Lai & Law, 2013, p. 60). The study suggests that when virtual schools use student-centred pedagogical strategies, such as project-based and collaborative learning, students are more engaged in the learning process.

At Cyboard School, we understand the challenges students and teachers face in this new landscape. Our virtual school provides students with access to a wealth of information. Our experienced educators are trained to help students engage with this information and use it to their advantage.

In conclusion, education is undergoing significant transformation, and it’s essential for schools like Cyboard School to lead the way in providing students with the tools and resources they need to succeed. Student engagement is more critical than ever, and Cyboard School’s virtual school experience provides 3 proven ways to boost engagement and inspire learning. Whether you’re a student in a traditional classroom or a homeschooled student, Cyboard School can help you engage with your education and achieve success. Are we ready for the revolution?

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