Cyboard School

IAO - 2021-03-1930

Parent are worry about their daughter who always use laptop

Screen Time Raising Concerns for Your Child? Read This!

Hey, do you know the Indian education scene has gone through a big makeover in recent times? All thanks to online schools and homeschooling methods. These ways of learning have become really popular recently, giving students and parents exciting new options for getting an education on par with traditional physical schools.

However, the methods of online schooling have been associated with more screen time. So, let’s discuss how much screen time is too much screen time.

A recent study led by Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan shows screen time in children increases the risk of autism and ADHD in children. The amount of time spent on any device, such as smartphones, televisions, personal computers, or video games is referred to as screen time.

You might have this concern in your mind: “can too much screen time harm my child?”

Let’s dive into some more important questions and find out how we can make a difference.

The Screen Time Issue

The problem is that online learning means a lot of time spent in front of screens. In each session, students spend hours on their computers. Everything, from lessons to homework, is done online. So, it’s natural to worry about your child’s eyes.

Is too much screen time bad?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), children under one year of age should not be exposed to any devices.


“For 6–14 years, the maximum screen time should be six hours per day, according to the WHO, but only if a child has online education. Otherwise, the preferred time is two hours.” Dr. Koganti


And at Cyboard Online School, we take things into account by bridging the gap between virtual classes and the breaks we provide in between every session.

How do we deal with it?

At Cyboard Online School, we understand the concerns of excessive screen time. That’s why we’ve carefully crafted our lessons, limiting each session to 40 minutes and ensuring regular breaks after every session.

Starting with a 5-minute buffer time followed by 25 minutes of learning and ending with 10 minutes of interactive Q&A by the end of every session.

This not only shows us the students were active throughout the session, but it’s also safe for their eyes, as they could have a relaxing interactive moment for the rest of the remaining session and not stay stuck to their screens all the time.

Our eye-friendly platform, supportive community, and guidance for parents are part of our commitment to responsible screen use. We prioritize quality over quantity, and empower students with digital literacy skills. Your child’s vision and well-being are our top priorities.

P.S. We also provide interactive and meditation sessions to avoid too much screen time and eye stress.

Controlled access to your homeschooled child

Child under supervision of her mother during online session

Not only we, but you as a parent, are in full control of your child’s online school classes. From their timetable to session durations, from breaks to more interactive sessions to their performance to their grades, you get complete access to what your child is doing and can help us manage their screen time to avoid any unhealthy effects. 

Your thoughts and help are super important for making sure your child doesn’t spend too much time on the screen and stays healthy. We really encourage you to be part of this and work together to make online learning safe and fun for your child, which is also one of many missions we at Cyboard Online School are aiming for.

Quality screen time

Cyboard believes in the quality of screen time more than the quantity. Their lessons are engaging and fun, so students are not just mindlessly staring at the screen. They learn to love learning, not just looking at a screen and getting dulled by every passing minute.

Now that’s some quality education!

And with our custom-built Learning Management System (LMS) linked with Artificial Intelligence (AI) introduced, it’s easier to keep track of your child’s performance and progression; it’s just a few clicks away!

But not only this, we also encourage our students and their parents to practice self-care activities such as:

He is not able to enjoy that time because he always busy in laptop


  • Taking breaks to relax and recharge
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Exercising regularly
  • Eating a healthy and balanced diet
  • Spend time with loved ones.

Easy on the eyes

At Cyboard, we make sure our online learning platform is kind to your child’s eyes. We use friendly colors, and the words can be made bigger if your child prefers. Everything is organized neatly, like a well-arranged book, so it’s easy to read and understand.

It’s like a comfy chair for their mind! (and eyes of course)

In a Nutshell

So, is it safe for your child’s eyes? When things are being done in moderation and staying in a safe lane, it only benefits and with Cyboard Online School, the answer is “yes.” It’s not just a virtual school, it’s a hub for mental serenity for your little one.

Learning online doesn’t have to hurt your child’s vision. It can be a doorway to good education when done the right way—the Cyboard way!


At Cyboard online school, we understand that education isn’t just about gaining knowledge. It’s also about keeping your child healthy. They bring together the best of online learning and traditional education to make it work well!


Read more about LMS here.

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