Cyboard School

IAO - 2021-03-1930

Math Phobia/ Fear of math

From Fear to Fun! Tackling Math Phobia in Your Child

Math phobia! We hear it a lot today.

It’s the fear of math every other child is facing these days; is your child afraid of numbers too?

A survey by Cuemath found that more than 82% of students in grades 7-10 have fear of math. Only 1 out of 10 students are confident in their math abilities, and it does not just come out of thin air; it’s an ongoing problem that starts at an early age.

It’s a form of anxiety kids develop when:

  • They are pressured to perform well
  • Having difficulty understanding the concept
  • Fear of making mistakes

Some experts say children worry more about math than other school subjects because they think numbers are tough. But are they really?

What is this math fear? It’s called math phobia!

What Causes Math Phobia in Children?

He has fear with math

One common factor is that most kids are not well associated with math in general as they are in their first language. That underdeveloped positive association makes up for a good foundation of learning in kids. While parents read or speak, kids will adapt and learn how to speak naturally. It’s not the same with math, as nobody does math for “fun,” right? So fear of numbers is only natural when it comes to learning math.

How common is Math Phobia in children?

Math phobia is pretty common among children even today, and it gets worse as it can have a negative impact on not only their academic performance but their self-confidence and career choices as well.

There are a number of factors that can contribute to such math phobia, which include:

  • Negative experiences in the early years.
  • Lack of exposure to math activities.
  • Pressure from parents or teachers to perform better in school, as things are too competitive nowadays.
  • Difficulty understanding concepts is due to the rushed style of teaching. (most common)
  • There is a belief that math is not for everyone. (biggest one)

It can manifest in a number of ways, including avoiding math activities because they think they’re not suited for them, feeling anxious when doing math because they have difficulty concentrating on numbers, and then eventually underperforming in math class.

But are schools these days doing it the right way?

But the thing with traditional schools is that they often use a one-size-fits-all approach to teaching math. This approach can be effective for some students, but it can also leave behind students who need extra support or who learn at a different pace.

Additionally, they may not be able to provide students with the individualized attention they need to succeed in math. Class sizes are often large, and teachers may not have the time to provide each student with the support they need.

You must have concerns regarding the same too, but worry no more! Online schools are booming right now!

Can Online Schools Help?

Parent are worried about their child who fear with maths

We understand the challenges that fear of math can cause for your little one, but studying in an online school may help.

Why, you ask?

It’s simple.

Kids understand and grasp visual-based knowledge better than anything else today.

Have you heard about Cyboard Online School? From engaging math puzzles to interactive learning, we’ve got it all covered here.

We’ve developed the most innovative strategies to make math an exciting and enjoyable journey for your child.

With peer collaboration, creative connections with art and music, and a focus on practical math problems in everyday life, we’re here to turn those math phobias into math festivity.

So let’s explore these strategies, shall we?

Hands-on and fun interactive learning

At Cyboard online school, we make math interactive by using games and activities. This way, students get to participate actively and enjoy learning. Math becomes less boring and more engaging when done with friends.

Virtual School But Real-Life Math

Cyboard School Teacher is solving her problem and now she understand very easily


Our online school teaches students how math is used in daily life, like when you go shopping, cooking, or budgeting. This hands-on approach helps students see that math is not just for school; it’s essential in the real world.

That’s how they grow as people; we feed them the necessary knowledge.

We show students that math isn’t just for school; it’s part of daily life. Whether you’re playing games or managing your money, math is a valuable tool and we all use it subconsciously.

Learning with Friends the virtual school way

Students work together on math problems, which makes learning a team effort. When they help each other, the fear of making mistakes goes away, and it creates a supportive learning environment.

Learning with friends is always fun!

We celebrate achievements.

Now she is very easily study maths without a fear

At Cyboard Online School, we celebrate when students do well in math.

Who doesn’t like motivation?

Recognizing their hard work makes them feel proud and motivated. It helps them gain confidence and not be scared and have that fear of math.

We eliminated that fear of math!

To wrap it up

Say bye-bye to math phobia!

If your child feels a little anxious about math, don’t worry! At Cyboard Online School we’ve got some pretty awesome ways to turn those fear of math into a lot of fun.

Because numbers are something everyone can enjoy. It just takes a little bit of guidance, and suddenly it becomes your child’s best buddy.

We truly believe that learning should be an exciting journey, and math is no exception.

To book a consultation click here: India’s best online school: Cyboard Online School

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