Cyboard School

IAO - 2021-03-1930

Cyboard school is helping their students for skill development

The Significance of Skill Development Within School


“Ah! I can solve algebraic puzzles and decode the mysteries of physics and chemistry, but this? A simple light bulb replacement? Imagine a curious student with a knack for math but left in the dark, quite literally, when it comes to a basic task like changing a light bulb.”

In a world filled with information, do students still know things like the quadratic formula or how to spot the main character in a story? In a world where we’re all glued to our screens, do students still remember those crucial history dates, like the year Julius Caesar introduced the Julian calendar in 45 BCE? Or when the first sandwich was devoured in 1762, or maybe when the world’s largest rubber band ball was assembled in 2008? Unless, of course, someone decides job interviews should involve rubber band trivia?

It’s moments like these that make all of us wish school had included ‘The Everyday Survival Guide’ in its curriculum. Think back to your own school days; it was an era when you might’ve wished for a more skill-focused and adaptable education… But why is this so crucial? The future is unfolding at warp speed. The jobs your child will have probably don’t even exist yet. We’re living in an era where adaptability and Practical Skills are no longer just nice-to-haves; they’re absolute necessities.


In today’s world, people are influenced by a lot of information available at their fingertips. However, nobody knows the importance or foundation of skills. This means that some important traditional knowledge, like math formulas or historical dates, might not seem as important. However, skills are for a lifetime and can be really helpful in our daily lives and future. 

Aren’t you afraid of this situation just imagining your child facing the challenges of a rapidly changing job market? The jobs or career they will choose for in the future may not even exist today. So, what will set them apart? It won’t just be a list of academic achievements; it will be their practical skills and their ability to adapt. So, the question becomes: How can we transform our current school system to prioritize skill development alongside traditional academic learning? How can we make sure that when students graduate, they’re not just good at books but also ready to handle all kinds of challenges in the real world and know what path they will choose? In this blog, we’ll explore why teaching these skills in school is really important for our children’s success in the future.

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The Mountain represents a big problem in today’s world – many people lack important skills like 21st century skills etc. Businesses need these skills from their employees, and it’s a tough challenge to find people who have them.

Now, think of the bridge as a solution. Teachers, schools, and parents are like bridge builders. They help students learn these vital skills, just like building a bridge to help people cross over the mountain. They show students the way and give them the tools they need to succeed.

Lastly, the tree in the picture is like a symbol of growth and success just like a tiny seed growing into a tall tree. When students learn these skills, they grow and become strong, This growth helps them tackle all sorts of challenges and become the best version of themselves.

The picture clearly tells us that adaptive education and skill-building can help students overcome the challenges of today’s world, leading them to a brighter and more successful future.


According to the dictionary, “Skills development” is the process of improving one’s abilities and knowledge. But in real life, just as a blacksmith hones a blade for battle; it’s like sharpening your tools for the journey of life. It’s about becoming better at what you do, whether it’s in school, at work, or in your personal life.


As per Mr. Atul Tiwari, Secretary, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, India is marching towards becoming a developed nation by 2047. To achieve this goal and contribute significantly to the global workforce by 2025, India needs to address the historic challenges in skilling. The India Skills Report 2021 revealed that only 45.9% of the country’s youth are considered employable, emphasizing the urgency of skill development.


Over the last few years, recruiters have shifted their focus towards soft skills such as communication, teamwork, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, leadership, problem-solving, and adaptability. When it comes to corporate companies now seek multi-talented employees who can complement socio-emotional skills with strong professional skills. The ideal employee in the 21st century embodies a diverse set of skills, a perfect blend of technical and soft skills, and the ability to think outside the box. As per the government data of ASSOCHAM study in 2017, only 10% of the fresh graduates of our country possess skills that make them employable in the corporate sector. The other 90% do not have the average required skill-set for the corporate world.


Looking ahead to 2030, several essential knowledge and abilities will be required for success in the workplace. These include:

The Significance of Skill Development Within Schools-Cyboard School


You know what’s cooler than being good at algebra? Being amazing at something you love!

For too long, the idea of educating students was to become “literate” has held us back. Our education system in India has often followed what some call the “Reproductive Method.” This method is all about teachers transferring information to students, who then who then simply remember and reproduce it during exams. A cycle that repeats year after year, with students moving up in grades based on their exam scores. But, in all honesty, is this really education? Are students truly gaining the skills they need?

School’s not just about cracking books and getting ready for those 9-to-5 jobs. Imagine this: you could be the next Gordon Ramsay, making dishes that make people go “Wow!” Or maybe you’re secretly an amazing artist, and your drawings or paintings could become famous and maybe your doodles might just become the next Mona Lisa (or at least make someone smile). And wait for it—don’t forget how powerful making funny, informative videos can be! there’s A.R. Rahman, the musical genius. He didn’t make headlines in science class, but his tunes have won Oscars! Let’s not forget Bhuvan Bam, the YouTube sensation. He didn’t become famous for acing exams, but his funny videos have millions of fans.It is extremely important for schools to teach students that your dream job might be as simple as cooking, drawing, or just making creative videos with insane skills

We need to make changes in how we learn, and kids shall have access to the right type of education. There is no way to predict what the future will hold, we all know some of the profession that exist today did not exist 30 years ago, and some of the jobs that will exist may not be imaginable right now, so how schools are preparing students to enter industries that don’t even exist? In order to do that, we need to teach the kids “How to learn” and not just “What to learn.”

Why are we still stuck in the past? Well, it’s because our education system was designed for a different era – an era where clerical jobs ruled the day. Students were taught to be followers, to memorize facts without understanding them, and to march in lockstep through 15 years of schooling. Mandatory subjects in schools should include taxes, coding, cooking, insurance, basic home repairs, self-defense, survival skills, social etiquette, personal finance, public speaking, car maintenance, and stress management , culinary ,Social- media literacy . These subjects equip students with practical life skills, financial literacy, and the ability to navigate real-world challenges and opportunities, fostering well-rounded individuals prepared for life beyond school.


According to ISR Report 2023, over 70% of businesses surveyed admit to facing a glaring skills gap in their workforce. Specifically, more than 30% of their employees lack the qualifications to meet the dynamic needs of sectors such as automotive and manufacturing. India boasts a youth population that’s highly employable, but there’s a plot twist: they lack the job-specific skills. The result? Employers are now in the business of “skill sculpting.” They’re channeling their resources into training and development to bridge the gap. But, hold on – not everyone in this maze is lost. About 30% of businesses claim they’ve found their way through the labyrinth of skills shortages. Even sectors like Software and IT, as well as engineering and manufacturing, are raising their hands, saying, “We’ve got a skills gap here.” A study by edtech and skill development company Imagin XP has found that 33% educated youth in India are unemployed due to lack of future skills – for most of them, despite getting a degree. And not to forget the emergence of a skill gap is the reason that youth employability reduced to 45.9% from last year’s 46.2%.

There are jobs everywhere, but as L&T’s Jaya Kumar points out, in a world of job opportunities, a shortage of skilled talent is the real challenge. Despite a huge working-age population in India, only 49% of youth are employable, and 80% of engineers lack the right skills. Even tech giants like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Meta are cutting 50,000 jobs. The reason? They struggle to find talent with the needed skills, particularly in artificial intelligence and Cloud. Skill development is the key to unlock these opportunities in today’s world.


NEP Integration

The National Education Policy (NEP) strives to create an educational system that not only keeps pace with the global educational standards of the 21st century but also honors India’s rich traditions and values. It understands the importance of allowing students to explore vocational courses through hands-on experiences and ensuring they receive effective career guidance. One of the NEP’s primary goals is to make sure that by 2050, at least half of our students get the chance to learn practical, job-related skills during their school and higher education years. This is crucial because according to the International Labor Organization, we’re looking at a potential shortfall of 29 million skilled workers by 2030. Such a shortage could significantly impact our country’s economic growth and development.

Learners-First Approach and Personalization

Students should have the freedom to learn at their own pace, like choosing their own path in a video game. And guess what? Technology can be our trusty sidekick on this quest! Some online learning tools use fancy tech, like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), to understand how each student is doing. Then, they give them personalized help that’s just right for them. It’s kind of like having a personal tutor who knows you really well and helps you succeed on your epic educational journey. That means creating fun learning activities and projects that match what each student loves and is good at. Commonly given example of experiential learning is going to the zoo and learning through observation and interaction with the zoo environment, as opposed to reading about animals from a book. Thus, child make experiments with knowledge firsthand, instead of hearing or reading about others’ experiences .

Working on Social and Emotional Skills

In today’s world, where technology is rapidly changing everything, it turns out that those soft skills, those socio-emotional skills, are the real deal. Google, a tech giant of all things, conducted a study and found that social and emotional skills are the keys to success. Critical thinking, creativity, listening, and collaboration – these are the skills that truly matter regardless of being in tech.

Incorporating Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Think of using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in schools like having a personal tour guide for each student’s learning adventure. So, rather than just following a script, we’re helping each student write their own story. So, instead of copying someone else’s work, we’re creating an educational experience that’s uniquely suited to each student, fostering their strengths and passions along the way.


Why not spice up school a bit and make it feel like a real job experience for our little learners? While we can’t quite turn schools into mini-corporate offices, we can definitely make learning more exciting. Forget the same old classroom routine – let’s introduce thrilling projects, hands-on experiments, and real-world problem-solving quests. We’d be secretly grooming them for the grand adventure of adulthood.

Why not raise our kids to become the kind of adults we secretly wish we could be? Let’s raise these kids, not just to be adults, but to be the kind of adults who inspire and amaze us. It’s a personal project where the paint is right schooling, the brushes are guidance, and the canvas is their future.

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