Cyboard School

IAO - 2021-03-1930

Effective Tips to Help Your Child Overcome Procrastination -Cyboard School

7 Effective Tips to Help Your Child Overcome Procrastination

People who procrastinate tend to have high levels of anxiety as well as poor impulse control.

Procrastination is even linked to physical illness. People who procrastinate experience more stress and tend to delay treatments, which can create a cycle of poor health due to just putting things off.

Is your child also struggling to keep up with the work and delaying it for no reason? Slacking off can mean so many things, but it all concludes that they are procrastinating.

But why is that? And what exactly is procrastination?

What is Procrastination?

Procrastination is when someone delays or puts off doing something that needs to be done. It’s a common behavior, especially among kids, where they postpone tasks or homework, often until the last minute.

This habit can create

  • Stress.
  • Affect academic performance.
  • Impact a child’s overall responsibilities.

Why do kids Procrastinate?

There are various reasons why kids procrastinate. Sometimes, it’s because they feel overwhelmed by the task at hand and don’t know where to start. Other times, they might find the task boring or too challenging, leading them to delay it. Distractions like video games, social media, or TV can also contribute to procrastination.

But we can’t simply put an end to all those other activities, right? Your kids might get bored and slack off even more and we don’t want that.

So how do we control it?

How to Stop Kids From Procrastinating?

As parents, there are effective ways to help your child overcome procrastination. It involves guiding them and creating an environment that encourages productivity and focus.

That’s why, in this blog, we have provided some ways and tips to fix this major issue. But first, we need to see the causes of procrastination.

Causes of Procrastination

Here are some of the major causes of procrastination that are observed among children:-

  • Lack of attention and concentration: lack of attention can make children find it hard to focus on tasks, making it challenging to start or complete them.
  • Lack of motivation: If children don’t feel excited or interested in a task, they might delay doing it, thats called lack of motivation.
  • Lower self-confidence level: When children doubt their abilities, they might postpone tasks because they feel uncertain about their capabilities, so procrastination is only natural.
  • Lower energy levels: Sometimes, feeling tired or lacking energy can make children delay starting or completing tasks.

So, how do we effectively stop them from procrastinating?

Here are 7 simple ways we can do it:

7 Ways to Stop Your Child from Procrastinating:

Create a routine:

Children benefit greatly from structure and predictability.

Help your child create a plan for the day or make a proper schedule for them to follow.

Decide when they’ll do homework, chores, and play. This plan not only helps them learn good habits but also teaches them how to manage their time.

A child is working according to his routine- Procrastination

Break tasks into smaller steps:

Big tasks can feel scary.

Break those tasks into smaller parts; it will not only make it easier to start, but it’ll keep them from feeling overwhelmed.

One step at a time.

A child is doing his homework-Procrastination

Minimize distractions:

Fewer distractions mean less procrastination.

Distraction is our biggest enemy, and with today’s technology, kids tend to get distracted easily.

So what do we do now? It’s simple!

  • Find or create a quiet spot for your child to work.
  • Keep phones and toys away during study time.

This helps them focus better and keep distractions away!

A child is confused in so many things-Procrastination

Teach time management:

“Manage your time properly.” Easier said than done, unless you actually stick to it and encourage others to do it properly.

Show your child how to use a clock or a schedule to plan their day. This helps them know how much time to spend on each task.

Wanna know how you can manage their time better? Check this out.

Encourage starting early:

Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. A saying of Benjamin Franklin in Poor Richard’s Almanack.

Encourage your child to begin tasks soon after they get them. This gives them more time to do their best and reduces stress.

And of course, they’ll get free time for their other stuff later.

A child is doing yoga-Procrastination

Discuss consequences:

Choices have consequences, so let’s make good decisions.

Talk to your child about what might happen if they delay tasks, like getting lower grades or missing the project or assignment submission date, which might make their teachers mad and worried.

Understanding this can motivate them to start early and feel more responsible for their choices and actions.

A father is teaching his son -Procrastination

Offer support:

Be their #1 supporter!

Help your child when they need it, but let them do their own work.

Encourage them without taking over completely. This helps them learn to be responsible for their tasks.

Parent are helping their child-Procrastination

Any Other Way?

Oh yes, there is, and you’re not alone in this; we can help!

Cyboard School is an innovative educational platform designed to engage children in a more interactive and productive manner. Using the latest AI-integrated learning management system and technology, Cyboard School makes learning fun.

Its interactive modules help kids understand the importance of prioritizing tasks and staying organized.

Join Us – Cyboard School!

If you’re looking for ways to help your child overcome procrastination and excel in their studies, join Cyboard School today!

Together, let’s create a proactive learning environment that encourages productivity and success. Visit our website to learn more and sign up for a demo.

Your child’s academic journey starts here!

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Wanna know how easy our admission process is? Here’s an easy guide to the Admissions process: 5-Step Easy Admission Process at Cyboard School

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