Cyboard School

IAO - 2021-03-1930

7 Problems in Indian Education System And The Way Forward

7 Problems in Indian Education System And The Way Forward

“Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth” ~ Chanakya

We all want the best for our kids, especially when it comes to their education. But let’s face it – Indian education system has its fair share of problems.

The Indian education system faces numerous challenges that have become more evident during the global pandemic. One significant issue is the lack of practical subjects and limited choices for students, which makes the educational journey more challenging for them.

7 Problems in the Indian Education System

Here, we’ll talk about seven big issues and brainstorm some fixes.

Rote Learning Issues

Rote learning is one of the biggest issues our Indian education system has.

What is it?

Well, kids cramming facts and figures without truly understanding them is one of the biggest concerns out there, and it’s called rote learning. It’s like feeding them information without letting them digest it. We need a shift to more engaging ways of teaching—something hands-on, interactive, and fun.

Learning should be an adventure, not a memorization marathon.

Old Curriculum

Ever feel like the textbooks your kids bring home are stuck in a time warp?

That’s because many of them are! Curriculum of our Indian education system needs a makeover, folks. Let’s add some more knowledge to it: relevant topics, new technologies, and lessons that connect with the real world.

How about making learning feel more like exploring?

It’s going to happen real soon as NCF 2023 is here!

Read about it here.

No Resources, Big Problem

Imagine a school without proper toilets, labs, or even books. Unfortunately, it’s a reality for many.

Every child deserves a well-equipped learning environment, don’t you agree?

It’s time for a collective effort – more funds, better facilities, and tech access for all schools, no matter where they are.

That’s why online schools are considered the best because your child is in front of you in a safe and secure environment.

Exam Fever

Ah, exams – they bring stress, anxiety, and sleepless nights.

But do they really have to? Let’s rethink the way we evaluate our kids.

In the Indian education system, a student’s intelligence and success are mainly judged by their grades. Moreover, extracurricular activities are often seen as distractions from academics. This belief comes from the idea that careers like doctors, lawyers, engineers, and chartered accountants are the only successful paths, and every parent wishes their child to pursue one of these. But it shouldn’t be this way—students should be encouraged to pursue their hobbies as potential careers, such as music, art, and more.

Continuous assessment, less focus on marks, and more on understanding – that’s the key.

We want our children to love learning, not fear it.

A child is so stress because of his exam-

Teacher Troubles

Great teachers make a huge difference. But finding and keeping them? That’s a challenge. We need to invest in our educators – training, support, and recognition. Happy teachers mean happy students, after all!

A teacher is teaching a lesson to her student-Indian Education System

Too Much Theory, Not Enough Action

Theory is good, but practical skills are just as important.

One major challenge with the Indian education system is its focus on theoretical knowledge. Think back to algebra—many of us never thought we’d actually use it in real life, yet we had to learn it because the system believed it was important, do we even need these skills in real life?

How about more projects, internships, and programs that foster creativity and problem-solving?

Let’s nurture the next generation of innovators and thinkers!

A child is so confused in his studies-

What’s the Plan? Fixing the System

So, how do we tackle these issues? It’s a team effort! We need everyone on board – government, schools, parents, and communities – to push for changes.

To make the Indian education system better, every parent and teacher needs to change some of the things they know about teaching and learning. The National Curriculum Framework 2023 (NCF 2023) sees these problems and is trying to fix them by adding more useful subjects, offering a wider range of choices, and letting students pick what suits them best.

For parents, it’s essential to know that education and how we learn are always changing. Technology is making online learning more popular, and it’s making education better too. But as education grows and changes in India, there are challenges.

Updating the curriculum, better teaching methods, improved facilities, and fair access to education are steps in the right direction.

Thats where Cyboard School steps in.

India’s Best Online School

Final Thoughts: A Brighter Future Ahead

As parents, our involvement is crucial. Let’s rally together for an education system that sparks curiosity, encourages creativity, and sets our kids up for success.

Check out Cyboard School for Fresh Learning Solutions!

Cyboard School is all about shaking up education with innovative approaches. Explore how we’re making learning an exciting journey for your child’s bright future.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start your child’s educational journey together and become masters of discipline!

Admissions are open for the academic year 2024-2025!


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